Tom Selleck starred in different movies, and many are amazed by how he managed to bring all his characters to life. What’s even more amazing is that Tom has accomplished several other feats in his prime. The celebrated actor is also a veteran of the California Army National Guard, an endorser for National Review advertisements magazine, and a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association (NRA).

When people think of Tom Selleck, he is immediately associated with masculinity. Outside of the hit TV show, however, he lives a quieter life, but still retains his brand of old-fashioned masculinity. His 1,800-square-foot property in Los Angeles is adorned with Western-inspired décor, leather furniture, walnut cabinets, and deep-colored wood panels. It does have a Welsh touch to it and that’s thanks to Jillie Mack, who is the actor’s wife. Is this a case of art imitating life? Perhaps not. It’s probably thanks to Magnum, P.I. that Tom did not go into bankruptcy while building his dream home.
