Widely known professional swimmer Michael Phelps tops all other athletes in the world when it comes to wealth. His time in sports earned him 23 Olympic gold medals, the bragging rights of being considered as the most successful Olympian in history, and of course, a stunning net worth of $55 million. Other than his career, he also becomes a force in raising mental illness awareness and has been awarded for it. To date, records show that he has put his money in ethical investments, like that big property he now owns in Arizona, as well as a Land Rover, and some insurances for protection. He is today a picture of a dedicated husband and father to his growing family.

Phelps has a long list of records and achievements. Media members even had doubts about his accomplishments, saying that it was due to performance-enhancing supplements. Luckily, Phelps passed all the tests administered to him. He can now peacefully live his life away from the press and live off his $55 million net worth.
